The Hamster Wheel Dogs

Humankind has used dogs in many different ways in history. It is even possible that dog domestication had its roots in their abilities as guards: To have some dogs around that would alert you if dangerous predators or hostile tribes were approaching was worth sharing some leftovers. Regardless of how dog domestication happened, the number … Read more

Lab-grown meat: a rosy future?

Those who follow the social media can very often read triumphalist headlines about a new technology that, we are told, is going to revolutionize our agriculture, our environment and our table: in vitro meat. In most of these articles (here, here and here) this product is represented as futuristic, like a miraculous food that is … Read more

Pets On The Titanic

Every April 15th, we see articles and commemorations related to the sinking of the Titanic. On that day, the boat, better known as the unsinkable, proved those who gave it that nickname wrong, as it collided against an iceberg and sank beneath the freezing waters of the Northern Atlantic. More than 1500 lives were lost … Read more

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