How a handful of veterinarians saved millions of human lives and eradicated a disease from the Earth

On May 25, 2011, the International Organization of Epizootics (OIE), something like the WHO of veterinary medicine, declared eradicated an infectious disease that killed millions of animals and also ended the lives of millions of human beings. This article has been conceived to show that animal health and human well-being are intimately connected. Also to … Read more

Animals and COVID-19

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, animals have been very present in the media. The reason being that they play an essential role in our world, most often this goes unnoticed but in tough times importance of animals becomes more visible. A few examples, animals have been related to the very origin of the disease, … Read more

If I enjoy a steak, am I killing the planet?

Almost every day, we can see headlines warning us about how dangerous Green House Gases (GHG) produced by cows are for the Earth. You can see an example here. According to those headlines, eating beef is one of the main causes of global warming, then, in order to stop or even reverse it, we should … Read more